Someday when your mind is starting to fade, I hope your heart still remember how to dance

Radiva N. Nabila
2 min readMay 17, 2021

Once when I’m stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube, I stumble upon a video about a 92 years old lady who has dementia, yet her memories were trigger by playing the piano. She was playing Moonlight Sonata's 3rd movement. From what I know, it is a very difficult piece. When she was playing that piece, she said that she has no idea why she can play that. Yet she managed to play it beautifully.

Another one is also an old lady with Alzheimer's. She used to be a ballerina. When she heard swan lake is being played, she managed to dance in her wheelchair elegantly.

It’s almost touching. How art is something that stops you from getting old. Your mind and body function will someday decrease, that’s something inevitable. Yet somewhere, in your body, you still have secret storage left to store some of your memories. It’s something that guards by your younger self. But it speaks in a different language. A language that is bound to be misunderstood. Your muscle will remember, your heart will remember, that’s I think, is where the secret storage is located.

Art is something that cannot be described by logic. It’s because it comes from the heart and molds into something that can be accepted in reality. It never meant to belong in this world. Because of that, for me, art is a way to communicate with the heart.

Personally, Photography, music, architecture, writing, and any kind of art, is something precious and endless for me. Through those kinds of things, I want to collect and store all the memories I have. For that, I will continue to forever create something, through metaphoric stuff or in an explicit way. I want to store all my memories, not just in my mind, but in my body, my heart, my soul, and maybe scattered around the world. So that one day, when my body started to root, my mind began to fade, and maybe I no longer remember my own name, I will still be proud of what I am from today left her with.

